
First String Second 1.22 3.4 Second More Text 1.555555 2.2220 Third x 3 124

find: "\s{2,}"

replace: ","

solution: First String,Second,1.22,3.4 Second,More Text,1.555555,2.2220 Third,x,3,124

explanation: found every space that was 2 or more characters and replaced with comma by searching “” and replacing with “,”.


Ballif, Bryan, University of Vermont Ellison, Aaron, Harvard Forest Record, Sydne, Bryn Mawr

find: "(\w+, )(\w+, )(\w.*)"
replace: "\2\1(\3)"

solution: Bryan, Ballif, (University of Vermont) Aaron, Ellison, (Harvard Forest) Sydne, Record, (Bryn Mawr)

explanation: created 3 groups by searching “(+)”. I swapped the first 2 groups and added parenthesis to the 3rd by replacing with “\2\1(\3)”.


0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3 0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3 0003 Winder Slide.mp3 0004 Walking Cane.mp3

find: "000*"
replace: "\n000"

solution: 0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3 0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3 0003 Winder Slide.mp3 0004 Walking Cane.mp3

explanation: I identified each song title by searching “000*“. I made a new line for each song and ensured that they retained their zeros by replacing with”“.


0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3 0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3 0003 Winder Slide.mp3 0004 Walking Cane.mp3

find: “() (.*).mp3” 
replace: “\2\1.mp3”

solution: Georgia Horseshoe0001.mp3 Billy In The Lowground0002.mp3 Winder Slide0003.mp3 Walking Cane0004.mp3

explanation: I identified the first four digits of each line by using “”, and “(.*).mp3” to grab the rest of the expression. I created two groups and swapped their order to put the numbers just before the .mp3 label by replacing with “\2\1.mp3”.


Camponotus,pennsylvanicus,10.2,44 Camponotus,herculeanus,10.5,3 Myrmica,punctiventris,12.2,4 Lasius,neoniger,3.3,55

find: “(),(+),.*?,” 

solution: C_pennsylvanicus44 C_herculeanus3 M_punctiventris4 L_neoniger55

explanation: I identified the first and second group by searching “(),(+),.*?,“. I replaced the space between them with an underline and removed all the digits between the first and second comma by replacing with”\1_\2”.


Camponotus,pennsylvanicus,10.2,44 Camponotus,herculeanus,10.5,3 Myrmica,punctiventris,12.2,4 Lasius,neoniger,3.3,55

find: “(),(),.*?,” 

solution: C_penn,44 C_herc,3 M_punc,4 L_neon,55

explanation: I used the same code as in #5, but isolated the first four digits of second phrase by searching “()”.


Camponotus,pennsylvanicus,10.2,44 Camponotus,herculeanus,10.5,3 Myrmica,punctiventris,12.2,4 Lasius,neoniger,3.3,55

find: “(),(),(.),()” 
replace: “\1\2 \4,\3”

solution: Campen 44,10.2 Camher 3,10.5 Myrpun 4,12.2 Lasneo 55,3.3

explanation: I used the same code as in #6, but isolated the first 3 digits of each phrase by searching “()”. I reversed each set of numbers by searching “(.),()” and replacing with “\1\2 \4,\3”.


id target_name pathogen_binary sampling_date site_code field_id bombus_spp host_plant bee_caste sampling_event pathogen_load 1 BQCV 1 9/9/2020 BOST 6 impatiens solidago worker 4 2414168.805 3 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 MUDGE 18 impatiens c!rown vetch worker 4 760793.2324 4 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 MUDGE 11 im&patiens crown vetch worker 4 0 5 BQCV NA 9/9/2020 BOST 11 impatiens sol)idago male 4 0 6 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 CIND 14 -#a^tiens kno%t w%eed worker 4 124236.7921 8 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 MUDGE 4 impatiens crown v et(ch worker 4 413814.5638 10 BQCV 1 9/10/2020 CIND 13 impatiens red clover worker 4 1028831.605 11 BQCV NA 7/7/2020 BOST 38 impatiens red clover worker 2 307696378.8 12 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 MUDGE 5 _imp*atiens c+rown vetch worker 4 0 13 BQCV 1 9/9/2020 BOST 12 impatien+s solid#ago male 4 311873.0526 15 BQCV 0 9/9/2020 BOST 18 impatiens solidag)o worker 4 0 16 BQCV NA 9/9/2020 BOST 23 impati+e(ns s!olidago male 4 1674951.391 17 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 CIND 20 impa#tiens red cl over worker 4 3214026.976 18 BQCV 1 9/10/2020 CIND 11 i^m+patiens bi_rdsfoo_t worker 4 995592.63 19 BQCV NA 9/10/2020 CIND 17 i%mpatiens red+ @clover worker 4 0 20 BQCV 1 9/10/2020 CIND 16 imp(atiens #red c_lover worker 4 200804.8542 21 BQCV 1 9/9/2020 BOST 17 impatiens worker 4 228085.8104 22 BQCV 1 9/9/2020 BOST 7 impati^ens solidago worker 4 7261151.315 23 BQCV NA 7/7/2020 COL 22 )impati^ens red clov#er worker 2 817906.8276 24 BQCV 1 7/7/2020 BOST 45 impatiens red cl)over worker 2 858658.6884

find: “[^\w\s]|_” 


id targetname pathogenbinary samplingdate sitecode fieldid bombusspp hostplant beecaste samplingevent pathogenload 1 BQCV 1 992020 BOST 6 impatiens solidago worker 4 2414168805 3 BQCV NA 9102020 MUDGE 18 impatiens crown vetch worker 4 7607932324 4 BQCV NA 9102020 MUDGE 11 impatiens crown vetch worker 4 0 5 BQCV NA 992020 BOST 11 impatiens solidago male 4 0 6 BQCV NA 9102020 CIND 14 impatiens knot weed worker 4 1242367921 8 BQCV NA 9102020 MUDGE 4 impatiens crown vetch worker 4 4138145638 10 BQCV 1 9102020 CIND 13 impatiens red clover worker 4 1028831605 11 BQCV NA 772020 BOST 38 impatiens red clover worker 2 3076963788 12 BQCV NA 9102020 MUDGE 5 impatiens crown vetch worker 4 0 13 BQCV 1 992020 BOST 12 impatiens solidago male 4 3118730526 15 BQCV 0 992020 BOST 18 impatiens solidago worker 4 0 16 BQCV NA 992020 BOST 23 impatiens solidago male 4 1674951391 17 BQCV NA 9102020 CIND 20 impatiens red clover worker 4 3214026976 18 BQCV 1 9102020 CIND 11 impatiens birdsfoot worker 4 99559263 19 BQCV NA 9102020 CIND 17 impatiens red clover worker 4 0 20 BQCV 1 9102020 CIND 16 impatiens red clover worker 4 2008048542 21 BQCV 1 992020 BOST 17 impatiens solidago worker 4 2280858104 22 BQCV 1 992020 BOST 7 impatiens solidago worker 4 7261151315 23 BQCV NA 772020 COL 22 impatiens red clover worker 2 8179068276 24 BQCV 1 772020 BOST 45 impatiens red clover worker 2 8586586884

explanation: I removed all the special characters, including underscores by searching “[^\w\s]|_” and replacing with an empty field.